Wednesday, June 26, 2013

I'll Get You My Pretty... And Your Little Dog Too!

My first reaction upon seeing the credits roll across the screen was something along the lines of "wow, that was really cheesy." As my friends and I walked out of the theater and to our car everyone around me was making jokes about the movie which quickly turned "cheesy" into "I'm just trying to forget it ever happened" as my standard response when anyone asked how it was. In the scope of fairness, I feel the need to mention that there is a strong possibility that in my first viewing of Sam Raimi's Oz: The Great and Powerful I was significantly less then suitably positioned for viewing. However, I being, in general, a fan of the director as well as many of the actors, was less then impressed.

Before I go into all the ways I think the movie went wrong (which really only boils down to one thing) I want to take a few paragraphs giving props to what they did well, outstandingly even. Firstly, as an art lover, I need to pay homage to the brilliant minds and hands that are behind the CGI and scene design. Fella's, you're landscapes were breath taking. I only wish my blog-space was large enough for these pictures to do the scenery any justice. The entire movie was quite brilliantly "shiny" (which is a good thing).

Furthermore, I mean, how cute are these guys:

Adorable. Secondly, I want to reach out and applaud Danny Elfman for creating yet another spectacular music score. The soundtrack to Oz is captivating, alluring, and just a little bit creepy. Which suited the film perfectly and accompanied the beautiful imagery perfectly. 

Overall, the filmography was impressive, however I had some serious issues with a few cinematic choices, the screenplay, and the lack of canonical cohesiveness. I understand that it was supposed to be a prequel but I had a hard time figuring out what story it was exactly trying to precede. I'm assuming the 1939 Wizard of Oz, but even then it wasn't quite logical. The plot played little homage to that of Frank L. Baum's novels and had only vague connection to everything we knew about the wizard from Dorothy's stint in Oz in 1939 (mostly that he was a con man from Kansas). I found the romance between the Wizard and Glinda very odd and somewhat repelling. I liked that they used the same actors/actresses in multiple roles (Kansas vs. Oz personalities like in the film's predecessor), however I felt that the romance between Oz and Annie/Glinda was too forced. The broken heart that resulted in the birth of the Wicked Witch of the West on the other hand was believable but cliche.

At first, I thought the issue was the acting. However, my faith in Franco, Kunis, along with Zach Braff and Joey King won out and I am convinced it was the screen writing. I thought the issue was in how the lines were being relayed but upon closer consideration its not so much that the acting is painful to watch but that the story seems awkward and disjunctive. A lot of things are not fully explained and others seem to be only vaguely cohesive (like what was up with Theodora just instantly being obsessively in love with Oz? Where's the back story behind this prophecy of a wizard coming to save them? And why does Theodora [who I was assuming to be the good witch of the south] turn into the Wicked Witch of the West?)

In order to keep this review somewhat brief, I'd like to simply include a video of what I think to be the worst scene of the film and rudely point out some of the problems I have with it (okay I'll give you guys some good things too).

  1. I love the cinematography
  2. What the heck is up with the apple? This is not Snow White.
  3. The tears cracking her skin was awesome, because you know, Dorothy melts the Wicked Witch with a bucket of water.
  4. Evanora's lines are catty and annoying.
  5. Why is there a need for Theodora to rip off half of her clothes?
  6. The green hand. Okay, let me take a second to collect my thoughts and say this in the nicest way possible. This snippet. The 30 seconds or whatever it took to play it. Was literally the biggest waste of time for every person who worked on the CGI for this movie. I understand how its supposed to be suspenseful and a little scary with the scratching of the table and what not; but I mean really, it just looked dumb.
  7. With the guttural growl when Theodora first stands up after her transformation?
  8. "Oh sister, you look hideous"..."I want him to see me like this, I want him to know that he did this to me..." Actually, it was your sister and her weird apple. But you know, blaming Oz is cool too. 

However, through all my kvetching, I recognize that Oz: The Great and Powerful was supposed to be a children's/family film. I just want to say the following: Raimi, I am still a fan; actors, you did great with what you had to work with and I promise not to boycott all of your future movies; artists (including but not limited to art directors, computer animators, costume designers, and make-up artists), you were wonderful, and screenwriters, try to pick up a book and pay a little respect to the character of the witches next time...

Sunday, June 16, 2013

A Minor Disclaimer, and A Promise

 I know that I had originally promised one review a month, but for many different reasons I feel it has become wholly apparent that I am terribly bad at keeping up with a blog. Therefore as part of my summer I promise to do some catch up work. From this point forward I will be reviewing and posting what I hope to be a cleverly insightful and refreshing piece of prose chronicling my experiences while viewing every movie I have seen in theaters since February. While I realize many of these movies have no long since left theaters I feel there may be some people out there that I can advise to purchase, re-watch, or view for the first time a movie not quite so new to the world.

While this post should probably continue on to an actual movie review, I will instead use it as a way of documenting my promise to the internet so I can't back out of it. Therefore, a list below will contain all of the titles of the films (and their release dates) that will be talked about in the next month.

Oz the Great and Powerful (March 8th 2013)

The Great Gatsby (May 10th 2013)

Star Trek: Into Darkness (May 16th 2013)

Now You See Me (May 31st 2013)

This Is the End (June 12th 2013)

So, if in fact I have any interested readers out there please stay tuned and I will try not to make you regret it.

Oh! And if anyone out there is a sucker for cheesy action movies (like myself) make sure to catch Fast and Furious 6 in theaters now!

On a different note, Joss Whedon's rendition of Much Ado About Nothing hits theaters nationwide on June 21st and it is going to be wonderful.

And alas I bid you adieu and wish you pleasant movie watching!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Romeo + Juliet +Zombies?

Now, I know I'm a little late in the game on this one, but it was my choice for February so I feel like I should post my two cents on it even though we've just begun April.

The newest anti-horror zombie movie, Warm Bodies, was released into theaters (and out of by now, since as I mentioned--I am behind) February 1st. Now, I say anti-horror, because generally, when we hear "zombie movie" we think blood, guts, eating brains, masses of plague infected, walking dead, and a small band of survivors fighting their way desperately to freedom. While Warm Bodies does have all those things in it, it also has less of a "fight for survival" kind of feel like classic zombie flicks such as Resident Evil or 28 Days Later and more of a "hey, we're in a zombie apocalypse, let's see how many bad jokes we can make" one such as in Sean of the Dead or Zombieland.

The movie starts out with your basic introductions. However, it does this in a rather interesting way. The movie is filmed from the perspective of the main character "R;" who rather than being the strong hero-survivor defending his friends and family is a zombie. And apparently a very mindful one at that. Jonathan Levine (Director and Screenwriter) took us right into the mind of a zombie--blood lust and all--and it was simply wonderful. The idea of a story being told from the perspective of an "antagonist" isn't exactly original but it lends itself to interesting character development. In addition to this, having a first person narrator in a film is much harder to pull off than in novels--but Levine did it, and did it well.

I could entertain you with endless paragraphs preaching my love for this film in every kitschy capacity but I feel I may lose some of the few readers I do have (If I haven't lost you already because I never post anything). Instead, I choose to simply address what's on everyone's minds after seeing or hearing about this movie: Wasn't that just Romeo and Juliet with zombies? The answer: yes--but wasn't it fantastic? I'm definitely a stickler for modern, updated, and adapted takes on Old Man Bill's work, so I may be biased on this one, but Warm Bodies was a great way of bringing the classic Romeo and Juliet love story to new audiences who won't go see a movie unless there is practically "blood, guts, and violence" in the title. 

Classic Balcony Scene-- Romeo and Juliet (1968) Zeffirelli
And if you are like me at all (or my other English major friends who I saw it with) you recognize and appreciate the painfully obvious allusions. I mean, really Levine: the main characters names are "Julie," "R," "Marcus," and "Perry" (Remind you of anyone *cough* Juliet, Romeo, Mercrutio, Paris *cough*) I think he could have been slightly more clever in naming, however, some people need to be beaten over the head with the Shakespeare stick to get it--and apparently, for some extra-thick skulls like mine not even that worked. That's right people, I, the glorious English Literature Major who practically dreams in iambic pentameter, did not even notice all of the Romeo and Juliet allusions until they were pointed out to me by my friend. While this is embarrassing for me to admit, I believe it shines well on the merits of the film itself--I was so caught us in enjoying the movie that I didn't have time to think of anything except what was occurring on screen in front of my eyes. 

Warm Bodies (2013) Levine
Romeo + Juliet (1996) Luhrmann
From swimming pools to fountains, balcony scenes, and suicide attempts Warm Bodies updated just about every iconic moment in Romeo and Juliet history making them eye catching, dramatic, but also funny. The main aspect of this movie that in my opinion makes it so purely fun to watch it that its (excuse my language) fucking hilarious. Props need to be given out for that. In order to take a tragic story and turn it into a feel good Romantic Comedy you not only needed an excellent base story, but competent screenwriters, directors, and actors. Its a cohesive effort to make a film, and all I'm saying is whoever thought up the idea of creating a Romeo and Juliet story where they bring a dead protagonist back to life instead of vice-versa, is a flippin' genius.

In an attempt to keep from ranting I will wrap up here with a final summation:
Plot: wonderful--Thanks Bill [Shakespeare], you're my homeboy.
Animation/CGI/Costuming: very well done. 
Acting: brilliant--adorable, funny, heart warming. 
Overall film: anything a zombie loving, Lit. nerd, rom-com sucker could ever ask for.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

“Rub Some Dirt on It”: A Clever Way to Revitalize an Outdated Film

            Okay, I’ll admit it right off: Dan Bradley’s Red Dawn, released November 21st, 2012, isn’t the “best movie ever made!” However, as his first film as lead director (in the past Bradley had been stunt coordinator and second unit director for several box office hits) it had the potential to be disastrous but ended up being pleasantly refreshing. I know what you’re thinking: “Oh God, not another remake,” and I’m with you on that. In the past few years it seems Hollywood has lost the creativity and ambition to come up with new and exciting films. Instead they choose to reach into that box in the garage no one’s touched in a while and bring back several hand-me-down screenplays to put a big shiny bow on and force the new generation to wear. Hate to break it to all those producers and directors out there, but adding updated special effects and casting the latest Hollywood heart throb in an effort to make an old movie look totally awesome and new, doesn’t work. Just face it: we can see right through your tricks.
            Now that I’ve finished shaming the film industry, I’ll get down to it. While far from cinematic masterpiece, Bradley’s Red Dawn remake didn’t make me want to hurl my popcorn on the floor and run from the theater demanding my 10 dollars back. By updating the screenplay, casting competent actors, creating suspenseful and intriguing scenes, and bringing a bit of humor to an otherwise dreary war film, I believe that Bradley achieved something astonishing: making a remake that surpassed the original on nearly all fronts. Now, I know there will always be those cult followers that watch the 1984 Red Dawn five times a day and think it was fantastic—but for those of us who don’t fit into that category ,let’s acknowledge that it really was not that good. The 1984 version of Red Dawn was somewhat hard to follow, had little memorable dialogue, and when the kids weren’t out there shooting up tanks or blowing up buildings, it was honestly rather boring. Upon re-watching it, 
since it had been a few years, I was abhorred to discover that despite my love for Dirty Dancing, even Patrick Swayze (Jedd) and Jennifer Grey (Toni) couldn’t cut it for me. I understand it was supposed to show the “gruesome reality of war” and all that, but when an audience can’t keep the characters names straight and isn’t shocked or upset by the death of a leading protagonist, all hope for deeper meaning is lost.
            Red Dawn (2012) at the most basic level of plot, is about a group of Midwestern teenagers banning together to defend their home town from invading forces during the beginning of what is labeled as World War III. In contrast to its precursor, which simply, rolled ominous background information in block text over a black background screen, Bradley’s Red Dawn introduces the setting of the outbreak of WWIII through creative use of a montage of news clips from around the world which even include pieces of speeches by well known officials like current president Barack Obama and Secretary of State Hilary Clinton. Immediately the audience is not just given a sense of perspective but also placed within realistic scenery. After this, we roll to a scenes of a high school football game, friends hanging out at a local dinner and bar, and are introduced to most of what will turn out to be the main characters.
Several changes between character personality and relationships were made in order to help with story development as well as make the characters more likeable in general. Matt (Josh Peck) and Jedd Eckert (Chris Hemsworth) are the two sons of the local Police Chief, Tom (Brett Cullen). Matt is a senior High school quarterback dating the cute little blond Erica Martin (Isabel Lucas) while Jedd is a U.S. marine on leave from six years of active duty. This differs drastically from the 1984 version in several ways:
1)            Jedd is not in High school and has military experience—making it a hell of a lot more reasonable that all of the kids can be trained in military grade weapons and guerilla tactics.
2)            The classic “brotherly love” from the 1984 version is on short supply in the 2012 one—Matt resents Jedd for leaving them to join the marine’s right after their mother died. (On a side note, “Mom” dies pre-war in this one, not as the troops invade)
3)            In the 1984 version, you get the vibe that Erica and Matt do not even like each other; however, in the 2012 one they’re dating. By having them in a loving relationship the audience is able to relate to the characters, draw from their emotions, and feel for them when they are separated.
The morning after the football game and partying, Jedd and Matt are woken up by the sound of bombs dropping just in time to run outside and see North Korean troops (replacing that of the Soviet and Cuban threat in the 1984 version) parachuting from the sky and rounding up the townspeople. Immediately, they hop into their blue pick-up truck (a throwback to the 1984 version) and go in search of their father who tells them to round up as many of the people as they can and get the hell out of dodge—which happens to consist of going to their cabin in the woods. Throughout the action packed drive through town which depicts bombs dropping, out racing Korean patrol cars, and a heart wrenching goodbye as Matt has to leave Erica behind, they pick up Robert (Josh Hutchenson), Daryl—the mayors son (Connor Cruise), and brother and sister Julie and Greg (Alyssa Diaz and Julian Alcaraz). Later on, when they’re at the cabin, two more join their team, Danny (Edwin Hodge), and Toni(Adrianne Palicki)—who is friends with Erica and is coincidentally harboring a not-so-secret crush on Jedd.
Contrary to the self-inspired fit of revenge the group goes on in the 1984 film, Bradley opts out for a traumatic depiction of murder as Tom Eckert tells his boys to do what he would do—defend the town or die trying—and is immediately shot in the head by the big, bad General Cho. After this, Jedd takes control of his reluctant troop of teens and inspires them to fight back; he says that for the Koreans this is just a place, but for them it is home. In contrast to the 1984 version, which used bland text stating the month over a still shot of the weather, Bradley uses yet another montage to depict a time lapse. This time, it is of the kids training with weapons, building camps, meeting allies in town, and generally preparing for their first strike at the Koreans. Because of transitions like these, Bradley’s Red Dawn flows from one scene to the next flawlessly and makes a 114 minute film seem to go by too fast as opposed to dreadfully slow.
After several raids, a failed attempt to take out Cho, successfully rescuing Erika, but at the cost of a few lives (Greg, Danny, and Julie die shortly afterwards), Jedd and the team—having taken on the name of their High school mascot, the wolverines—scramble to try to come up with a plan B while dealing with the loss of their comrades. However, just as in the 1984 version, the real battle gets started when the Wolverines meet up with a U.S. special ops team—this time there are three rather than one and they have the key to ending the war: stealing a black case used to create a closed network for the Korean army.
They plan a siege on the head quarters the Korean Army established in the old police station and just barely escape with their prize. Compared to the melodramatic, suicidal two-man last stand of Jedd and Matt that is depicted in the 1984 version, this climactic scene is not only much more interesting and tactically reasonable, but also significantly more suspenseful and exciting. There is a moment in which the audience literally holds their breath expecting the entire plan to fall through. Just then Matt makes a triumphant leap from a second story window, tumbles, and grabs the case. Right after the exhale, when everything seems safe and okay, the audience is shocked yet again as Jedd is shot by a sniper through a window and falls to the floor dead. While some critics probably disagree, to me this is a much more valiant and disturbing death than that of Matt and Jedd bleeding out on a park bench in each other’s arms.
In addition to the better character development, more suspenseful scene arrangement, interesting stunts, and inclusion of emotional attachment, the main change made from the 1984 to the 2012 version, is the addition of some pretty witty and memorable one liners, as well as scenes of humor and reflection. Scene’s such as Robert and Daryl’s raid on a Subway in which they declare handing the kid behind the counter a plastic bag, “Sandwhich artist, fill this with food!” or Jedd’s comment to “rub some dirt on it” and get back in the fight to Matt as he struggles with being responsible for Greg’s death. In the midst of a war flick the fact that Bradley takes the time to show the Wolverine’s sitting around cracking jokes like “we’re living Call of Duty, and it sucks,” makes the film so much more enjoyable. This also creates another dimension to the characters and humanizes them—you not only begin to like the characters but also care about what happens to them. You feel the pain as Julie stitches up a bullet wound for her comrade; when Jedd shouts “You fucked with the wrong family,” as he shoots Cho you feel the justice and satisfaction; and like Toni, you’re heart broken when Jedd dies.
The film ends with the discovery that the Koreans are tracking them through the use of a microchip locator they implanted in Daryl by stabbing him. Rather than shooting him, as in the 1984 version, Daryl valiantly chooses to remain behind so that the remainder of his friends can escape with the box to “Free America” and end the war. This is possibly the only redeeming moment for his character, which spent much of the movie running away and being indecisive. After this, the screen cuts forward what the audience suspects to be a few months and Matt is depicted giving a speech—eerily familiar to the one his brother gave at the beginning of the film—to new recruits that have chosen to fight with the rebel forces. Ending with a moment of hope, we are then transported to the middle of a raid on a concentration camp (used to detain the town’s most troublesome occupants) where the kids driving souped-up cars, with mounted guns atop, free the prisoners. This final depiction of rebellion and teen angst faired far better than that of the emotional voice over given by Toni in the 1984 version. Rather than leaving the theater somewhat depressed, confused, and bored, we are amped-up, inspired, and hopeful, with Jedd’s memorable quote “Marine’s don’t die. They just go to hell and regroup.” ringing in our ears.
Ultimately, Bradley’s Red Dawn won me over. This wasn’t my first war [film], and there are many out there that surpass it by far (Brave Heart, Behind Enemy Lines, Rules of Engagement, and Black Hawk Down to name a few) but it did prove to be an interesting and entertaining revitalization of its 1984 predecessor. Despite the fact that I don’t believe Chris Helmsworth is related to Josh Peck for one second, the movie itself had the perfect combination of action, romance, tragedy, and patriotism. I have high hopes for Bradley’s next film; here’s to him keeping up the good work.