Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Romeo + Juliet +Zombies?

Now, I know I'm a little late in the game on this one, but it was my choice for February so I feel like I should post my two cents on it even though we've just begun April.

The newest anti-horror zombie movie, Warm Bodies, was released into theaters (and out of by now, since as I mentioned--I am behind) February 1st. Now, I say anti-horror, because generally, when we hear "zombie movie" we think blood, guts, eating brains, masses of plague infected, walking dead, and a small band of survivors fighting their way desperately to freedom. While Warm Bodies does have all those things in it, it also has less of a "fight for survival" kind of feel like classic zombie flicks such as Resident Evil or 28 Days Later and more of a "hey, we're in a zombie apocalypse, let's see how many bad jokes we can make" one such as in Sean of the Dead or Zombieland.

The movie starts out with your basic introductions. However, it does this in a rather interesting way. The movie is filmed from the perspective of the main character "R;" who rather than being the strong hero-survivor defending his friends and family is a zombie. And apparently a very mindful one at that. Jonathan Levine (Director and Screenwriter) took us right into the mind of a zombie--blood lust and all--and it was simply wonderful. The idea of a story being told from the perspective of an "antagonist" isn't exactly original but it lends itself to interesting character development. In addition to this, having a first person narrator in a film is much harder to pull off than in novels--but Levine did it, and did it well.

I could entertain you with endless paragraphs preaching my love for this film in every kitschy capacity but I feel I may lose some of the few readers I do have (If I haven't lost you already because I never post anything). Instead, I choose to simply address what's on everyone's minds after seeing or hearing about this movie: Wasn't that just Romeo and Juliet with zombies? The answer: yes--but wasn't it fantastic? I'm definitely a stickler for modern, updated, and adapted takes on Old Man Bill's work, so I may be biased on this one, but Warm Bodies was a great way of bringing the classic Romeo and Juliet love story to new audiences who won't go see a movie unless there is practically "blood, guts, and violence" in the title. 

Classic Balcony Scene-- Romeo and Juliet (1968) Zeffirelli
And if you are like me at all (or my other English major friends who I saw it with) you recognize and appreciate the painfully obvious allusions. I mean, really Levine: the main characters names are "Julie," "R," "Marcus," and "Perry" (Remind you of anyone *cough* Juliet, Romeo, Mercrutio, Paris *cough*) I think he could have been slightly more clever in naming, however, some people need to be beaten over the head with the Shakespeare stick to get it--and apparently, for some extra-thick skulls like mine not even that worked. That's right people, I, the glorious English Literature Major who practically dreams in iambic pentameter, did not even notice all of the Romeo and Juliet allusions until they were pointed out to me by my friend. While this is embarrassing for me to admit, I believe it shines well on the merits of the film itself--I was so caught us in enjoying the movie that I didn't have time to think of anything except what was occurring on screen in front of my eyes. 

Warm Bodies (2013) Levine
Romeo + Juliet (1996) Luhrmann
From swimming pools to fountains, balcony scenes, and suicide attempts Warm Bodies updated just about every iconic moment in Romeo and Juliet history making them eye catching, dramatic, but also funny. The main aspect of this movie that in my opinion makes it so purely fun to watch it that its (excuse my language) fucking hilarious. Props need to be given out for that. In order to take a tragic story and turn it into a feel good Romantic Comedy you not only needed an excellent base story, but competent screenwriters, directors, and actors. Its a cohesive effort to make a film, and all I'm saying is whoever thought up the idea of creating a Romeo and Juliet story where they bring a dead protagonist back to life instead of vice-versa, is a flippin' genius.

In an attempt to keep from ranting I will wrap up here with a final summation:
Plot: wonderful--Thanks Bill [Shakespeare], you're my homeboy.
Animation/CGI/Costuming: very well done. 
Acting: brilliant--adorable, funny, heart warming. 
Overall film: anything a zombie loving, Lit. nerd, rom-com sucker could ever ask for.